Here's What You Need To Know:

Poor Education.
These are the realities for the children we serve at Urban Youth Impact. We are more than just a nonprofit—we’re a lifeline. Every day, we provide a free private, Christian education through Carver Christian Academy and a transformative after-school program. For 12 hours a day, we adopt these kids as our own, offering them hope, guidance, and a way forward.
Did You Know That 85% Of Youth In Prisons Grew Up Without A Father?
In one housing project we serve, there are 300 registered families, yet not one has both a mom and a dad living with them. Urban Youth Impact steps in to fill that gap with loving mentors who act as father figures, pouring into these children’s lives.
The Statistics Are Staggering...
• Only 22-29% of students in local inner-city schools read on grade level.
• 85% of youth in juvenile detention centers cannot read at a 4th-grade level.
• 65% of those living in the Tamarind Ave Community are living in poverty, and 24% are unemployed (4 times more unemployment than the rest of the county!)

But Don't Worry.
There Is Hope!
• 77% of kids who transfer to Carver Christian Academy achieve grade-level reading within one year.
• The longer they stay with us, the more their skills and confidence grow.
• At Reframe, 100% of our high school seniors have graduated and continued to college or entered the workforce each year for the last 10 years.
Urban Youth Impact Is More Than A Program.
We Are A Family
Since it's founding in 1997, Urban Youth Impact has been a proven force for change. A beacon of hope in the heart of the West Palm Beach.
Will You Join Us In This Life-Changing Mission?